Our rental agreement is listed below.
Please check the equipment as soon as it arrives at your property.

Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. Terms & Conditions

HURRICANE POLICY: In the event of a MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER, made by the governing bodies of the City of Virginia Beach, Commonwealth of Virginia, and/or the United States of America at the digression of any agency the aforementioned governing bodies have deemed appropriate and in conjunction with the property management company with whom a property rental contract is established in the event of a MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER is issued, please call Ocean Rentals Ltd and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. in its appropriate local to make arrangements for the return of equipment(baby, linens, beach or water equipment.) A pro-rated equipment rental credit will be issued to the account holder based on the amount of remaining rental time allotted which was established prior to the MANDATORY EVACUATION ORDER.  Rental equipment will be available for use after any and all evacuation orders have expired and access is granted to return to the evacuated areas.  Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports DBA Surf & Adventure Co.  reserves the right to refuse to refund accounts as a result of inclement weather conditions.

OCEAN RENTALS, LTD and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. and its employees are not responsible for any damage that may occur as result loading, unloading or transporting Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. equipment, including linens and baby, beach or water equipment) to a individual who has established a rental contract, RENTER,  with Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. and this individual’s vehicle (interior or exterior), means or transportation or method by which the RENTER has established transportation of rental equipment.  All rental equipment is used at the RENTER’s risk.  Once equipment is dropped off for delivery the renter assumes all risk associated with damage, theft, loss, etc. Should equipment be damaged beyond repair or subject to loss/theft, the renter will be responsible for the wholesale cost of equipment LESS then cost of rental already paid.

The RENTER acknowledges that upon delivery of rental equipment, the RENTER agree to preform an inspection of all rented equipment has determined that rented equipment is in good working condition, suitable for the means and purpose for which it has been rented.  Renter must notify Sandbridge Eco Sports dba Surf & Adventure Co. before close of business on day of delivery to have equipment replaced. The RENTER agrees to use the rental equipment in the manner for which it is designed and intended to be used.  The RENTER recognizes that the property is being received AS IS and WITH ALL FAULTS.  Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co.  MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS, PROMISES, OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTY CONCERNING THE MERCHANTABILITY, SUITABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OF THE PROPERTY. LESSOR EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, WHETHER ARISING FROM STATUTE, COMMON LAW, CUSTOM, OR OTHERWISE. The RENTER assumes all responsibility for equipment (linens and baby, beach and water equipment) while out of possession of the RENTER, and agrees to return such equipment to Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. in as good condition as it was at the effective date, the beginning of the rental period, of the lease, less expected natural wear as determined by Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. The RENTER will be held responsible for any loss, theft, damage or destruction of leased property. All equipment lost or damaged beyond repair will result in charges incurred upon the RENTER at rate equal to regular replacement price. All damaged equipment which may be repaired will be repaired by the Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co., upon return thereof and the cost for such repairs shall be paid by the RENTER. Accrued rental credits and/or charges cannot be applied against the purchase price or cost of repairs of such damaged or lost equipment. Scheduled rental rates begin when the equipment leaves our store and continues until returned. The RENTER shall indemnify and hold Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. harmless from any and all claims, damages, or proceedings (including all costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees) related to or arising out of OceanRentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co.’s use or possession of the equipment. Rental equipmentshall be used by the Renter only. This writing contains and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This lease agreement can only be modified by written agreement signed by both Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co. and the RENTER. The RENTER represents that RENTER is at least eighteen (18) years of age and under no disability which will prevent the RENTER from entering into this agreement. The RENTER agrees not to part with or assign this lease or the equipment without the written consent of Ocean Rentals Ltd. and/or Sandbridge Eco Sports Inc. DBA Surf & Adventure Co.

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